Selamat Jalan Mbah Surip

Hari ini ada berita yang sangat mengejutkan dari kalangan "artis". Mbah Surip yang terkenal dengan lagu "Tak Gendong"-nya meninggal dunia hari ini karena kecapekan. Mengingat jadwal dan kegiatan mbah Surip yang begitu padat semenjak menjadi artis.

Dikabarkan bahwa sebelumnya mbah Surip sempat mengeluh capek kepada Mamiek artis srimulat yang juga sahabat mbah Surip.

Mbah Surip meninggal dunia Selasa (4/8/2009) pukul 10.30 WIB. Jenazah penyanyi fenomenal itu baru akan dimakamkan selambatnya, Rabu (5/8/2009), pukul 10.00 WIB."

Kemungkinan besar Mbah Surip akan dimakamkan besok, paling lambat pukul 10.00 WIB," ujar pelawak Tarsan di kediaman Mamiek 'Srimulat', Jalan Kerja Bakti I, RT2/4 No 68, Kampung Makasar, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (4/8/2009).

Jenazah dimakamkan besok sambil menunggu keluarga dari Mojokerto tiba di Jakarta. Dengan demikian, rencana menguburkan Mbah Surip di kampung halaman di Mojokerto, batal.

Seperti berita yang sempat simpang siur dimana keluarga mbah Surip baik di Jakarta maupun di Mojokerto sebelumnya belum mempunyai kata sepakat mengenai tempat mbah Surip akan dimakamkan.

Sesuai permintaan Mbah Surip, jenazah akan dimakamkan di area pemakaman milik penyair WS Rendra, yakni di Pemakaman Bengkel Teater Citayam, Depok, Jawa Barat.

How CDMA And GSM Differ From Each Other

There are two kinds of network technologies that are employed in servicing cellular phones. The Global System Mobile Communications - also well-known as GSM and the Code Division Multiple Access - which is also recognized as CDMA. Both of these contend with each other to be the greatest and to offer up more characteristics for their consumers.
The cellular phone carriers that consumers go through (Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon) will use one of these technologies to run their phones. Numerous of us believe that they are synonymous in the way that they work - but there are significant differences that separates them. It is important to understand what those deviations are so you can determine which cellphone company you would prefer to use.
GSM is an international business that originated in 1987. They function to create the greatest wireless technology and to provide it to consumers from all across the world. CDMA was made by Qualcomm - which is situated in the United States. For several years it has been the most standard technology to use for carriers in North America and particular areas in Asia.
But even with its growing popularity GSM has still managed to find a foothold in the U.S. while CDMA has expanded and tried to journey to other parts of the world. One of the greatest differences between the two is the kind of service you are able to acquire on various countries that you are in. For certain individuals they have no alternative in who they choose to use because one or the other does not cover the area they live in.
The majority of cell phones utilized nowadays have the capability to stream pictures, videos, and send e-mails just like a computer. This is only possible is if the phones have the right speed. It is known that CDMA technology is a good deal faster then GSM even though they both claim to use 3G speeds.
One of the best features that GSM has over CDMA cell phones are the usage of SIM cards. These cards are used to maintain essential data and to help activate the cell phone. They are able to be simply removed and changed to other cellular phones. This grants individuals to utilise new phones whenever they feel like it instead of being held down to one. At this time CDMA uses a synonymous R-UIM card - but it is just utilized in certain parts of Asia.